Pokémon Go Account Leveling Strategies To Be Ahead In The Game

In the year 2016, the Pokemon Go game was launched in the digital app stores from which users could download the game. There is a fact about this game. It came to news that the game was rumored as an April fools joke. But as many people took it on a serious note and had shown interest in the game. Thus the company saw an opportunity and released the game in real.

In pokemon go account leveling is an important part of the game. Wherein the player needs to increase their level by performing certain tasks. Let’s see what are those tasks a player needs to complete.

Practice perfect throws in the game while catching the pocket monsters.

When you are playing a game, to catch different kinds of Pokémon, you have to throw the poke ball exactly at the Pokémon. The accuracy matters. The more accurate your throw is the more experience you get. Hence, every time you are playing the game and searching the Pokémon, try throwing the ball in the direction of the encountered one. Even if you are playing casually, you can practice it because none of 5the o0ther resources will get affected due to playing countless times.

Play with your friends, and share loads of experiences.

When you play with your virtual friends, as in the friends from the game, you can share gifts, which will give you a bonus experience. And do you know that, if the added friend on your list becomes your best friend in the game, then you will get a lot more experience count than usual? This is the most effective way that many users have reported so far. But you may not acquire it in the fastest way possible. The amount you get will be a lot more surprising than usual.

Keep on collecting new and different kinds of Pokémon.

Pokémon Go is a game about collecting new Pokémon and evolving Pokémon that you have already caught. When you collect or catch new Pokémon, you will receive an experience count of 100. And when you are evolving the existing Pokémon, you will further receive more experience. Certain Pokémon could give you a higher amount of experience. Such as rarity, type, difficulty, etc. if the Pokémon is of the highest rarity, you can get experience in counts of thousands.

The next part is the evolution of the existing monsters in your collection. For evolving, you will get an experience count of 500.

So, the strategy is to collect as many as possible Pokémon of the cheap rarity or mediocre rarity. These kinds are easily found in and around the area. So, you will be able to collect and evolve the Pokémon at a faster rate than usual. Thus, in turn, you will gain and receive much more experience than usual. It will also help you to level up your account at a faster rate.

Entry in Pokedex Counts!

When you catch a new Pokémon, and its entry is made into the Pokedex with name, image, level, etc., you will receive an experience count of 500. So, rather than collecting existing Pokémon repeatedly, try collecting new ones. Because per new entry, you will gain more experience. It is evident that you get experience upon the evolution of Pokémon of common rarity, but catching new Pokémon will give you more than that.

In any game building up a proper strategy is more important than finding new ways to increase the level faster. Because if your strategy is strong, you can get what you want without effort.

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